Even if you have the latest camera with features such as an image stabilization system and 360 imaging, you need editing software.

If you run the following ffmpeg command on any DJI video (its probably working for any video source which includes iPhone or Android videos too) it adds the magic field that Quik expects and happily imports the video. The right video editing software is critical to get the most out of your GoPro or action camera, regardless of whether you're a vlogger, outdoor adventurer, or traveler. So I got to poke around and after a bit I found a solution which works on all my current video files. I figured there can not be so many ways the software could check if a given media file was originating by a GoPro or not.
And this is with DLSS set to performance, so it’s upscaling the image from 1080p to 4K. Here is a list of top free GoPro editing software for Windows 10 users. Instead, users need third party apps to edit their videos. One of these is the new Detail Preserving Upscale effect for After Effects, which enables you to upscale content without negatively affecting quality no pixelation, no loss of contrast. GoPro has its own video editing software for Windows and macOS called GoPro studio, but it was taken down some time ago.
So I started to ask myself how to add non gopro videos to quik? Editing 4k Videos: Examples of Best 4k Video Editing Software. However I also wanted to use those drone videos with GoPro Quik because it makes it very easy turning a few clips into a short and nicely looking video. Sadly it only offers to import videos originating from GoPro itself. Since the release of the MAX they claim they have been working very hard to be able to release the GoPro Player for windows. GoPro rely on third party software for windows users for now. I recently got myself a DJI drone and, needless to say, I produced a bit of footage with it too. If you are planning on buying a GoPro MAX you need to know this before you buy: -There is NO 360 editing software available from GoPro for the windows platform. Since I’m a lazy guy I’ve been using GoPro Quik quite a bit which has worked out good so far and I’ve really enjoyed.